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sexta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2011

Google gravity

Google Gravity – Veja a internet caindo




Há algum tempo a Google inovou e disponibilizou para o navegador Chrome o Google ferramentas para divertir e tornar o acesso a internet mais interessante, o Google Gravity foi uma dessas ferramentas.

O Google Gravity foi desenvolvido para o browser Google Chrome mas em outros navegadores, como por exemplo no Mozilla Firefox também é possível ver o efeito do site, onde literalmente podemos dizer que o site cai. A diferença de se acessar o Google Gravity no Google Chrome e em outros navegadores é que somente no navegador da Google será possível a interação dos usuários com o site, arrastando o logo do Google ou mesmo os links, girando-os e fazendo-os colidirem entre si.
Para acessar o Google Gravity e “ver a internet cair” visite a página do projeto: Google Gravity. Como dito, a experiência é mais interessante se usado o Google Chrome para o acesso ao site.
Caso não tenha o Google Chrome instalado, e seja absurdamente preguiçoso para instalá-lo, mas mesmo assim ainda queira ver o Google Gravity em funcionamento, assista ao video no youtube que eu não vou por aki DX

8 comentários:

  1. nice tricks and good that you also added a video demonstartion.Dont think me wrong,when you speak / write about technical stuffs i would like to see a video as u did here if possible.It just simply paints the picture perfectly.U know what i mean.Cheers.Keep it up.

  2. Google Gravity is a search engine trick based on java script. It was launched by Google in 2009 but after that it become inactive due to unknown reason but you can access it through some third party sites or from direct Google by turning off instance result and typing keyword “ Google Gravity “ in the search bar then pressing “ I am Felling Lucky” button instead of Search.There are many other Google Gravity Tricks that you can try and its sort of fun games for people. You can even try yourself by using the keywords listed below.Google Gravity
    Google Underwater Google Terminal Go

    Harold Burton

  3. Hey bro it is just a piece of coding and html. elgoog and other sites are making these codes and html pages. To check out go to a specific Google gravity page and then check the source code. You may be able to understand.

    Joseph Donahue

  4. This is so awesome! I never knew this could be done. Googlism sounds like great fun as well. I’ll have to try this out the next time I have friends over. Something else to distract me when I’m working online – jokes! We all need a distraction once in a while.
    Kelly Hubbard

  5. it works for me in both Firefox and Safari, of course, that depends on what you mean by "it works." I couldn't use it as a search engine, so I don't know how someone got here from there, but it did live up to its name.
    Harold Burton

  6. hahaha I know, Google Gravity might seem a bit gay for guys I think. But for girls it might be fun to play with. :D By the way, just wanna ask do you think Google gravity is a good example of web 3.0 ? Like in the future, our websites will be highly interactive like this, and instead of having a bunch of links, we will have images or blocks that represent those links. What do you think ? And thanks for the tips of fixing the video width...I have no idea about these technical stuff.
    Paul Brown


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